IBM 39Y6569 K85AE 04427-1 PCI-e Extender Card 25R4941 W/ Adaptec AIC-7902W Chipset

IBM 39Y6569 K85AE 04427-1 PCI-e Extender Card 25R4941 W/ Adaptec AIC-7902W Chipset

IBM 39Y6569 K85AE 04427-1 PCI-e Extender Card 25R4941 W/ Adaptec AIC-7902W Chipset
Item# 25R4941
Availability: Usually Ships the same business day.

Product Description

Part Number25R4941
DescriptionW/ Adaptec AIC-7902W Chipset
Availability3 In Stock (Bin Location: 6-P32-F)
Warranty30 days
Packaging Bulk
UPC 788490622215

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